Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Adipose Promoter 1.4 Responsible For Driving The...
The adipose promoter 1.4 is responsible for driving the transcription process at low levels in the adipose cells. Cytokines class 1 and TNFÃŽ ± are produced locally within the cells allows the regulation of the promoter, promoter II on the other hand is regulated by cAMP and gonadotropins (Goss, 2004). The adipose cells tend to utilize all the promoters (II, 1.3 and 1.7) in instances where breast cancer is involved owing to the cancerous cells. Switch of the promoters depending with the kind of environment leads to enhanced gene transcription of aromatase, the expression of the proteins and the enzymatic activity. Thus, explaining why there is a high presence of oestrogen surrounding breast cancer cells. Breast cancer cells tend to†¦show more content†¦The human aromatase gene is present in the haploid genome. Thus, the unique sequence can be denoted as shown in the figure below. Figure 2: Gene Structure (source: Esin, Yuce, Kilickap, and Erman (2013)) Post-transcriptional Regulation miRNA is involved in the translational regulation of a wide range of genes through the control of the translational rate of the transcript stability. Estrogen in the ovary has been shown to be regulated by miR-378, a miRNA that targets aromatase. Further the activity of aromatase is also controlled by post translational modifications that include glycosylation and phosphorylation. Post translational glycosylation occurs in the placental aromatase and causes an increase of about 35-40% in the activities of the enzyme. Further, the activities of aromatase can also be reduced and restored by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation respectively in cells. Similarly, the insulin related activities also enhance the processes of aromatase especially in breast cancer malignant and they are mediated by MARK and P13K/Akt providing the pathway of signal channels (Berstein, Santen, 2008). Breast Cancer Stroma It is crucial to illustrate that healthy cells in breast tissues tend to express low levels of aromatase transcriptions from exon 1.4. Once the cells in the breast turn to become carcinogenesis, the use of exon 1.4 is halted while exon 1.2 is used in the aromatase and
Monday, May 18, 2020
Empowering The Civil War Through Telegraphy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2518 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? The American Civil War is the bloodiest and deadliest war the United States ever encountered. It is said that there were more American casualties in the Civil War than all other wars that the United States have fought in combined. Although deadly, the Civil War was also one of the most significant wars that brought about change and sparked the forthcoming of a new age of technology. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Empowering The Civil War Through Telegraphy" essay for you Create order The desire to produce more advanced systems and weaponry lead to the beginnings of modern technology and war tactics. However, this advancing age was not fully supported on both fronts of the war, which ultimately became the downfall for either side in major battles. Yet, the most influential forms of technology that transformed the United States was the advent of improved communication systems across the country. The Civil War exemplifies the impact that these communication networks had on military strategy, general politics and human rights, and regulations on communications. One of the main communications networks that revolutionized the American Civil War was telegraphy. Due to the development of the battery by Italian physicist, Alessandro Volta in 1800 and the connection between electricity and magnetism by Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted in 1820, long-distance communication via telegraphy was first developed during the 1840s and 1850s by Samuel Morse, Leonard Gale, and Alfred Vail. Morses single-circuit telegraph functioned by pushing the operator key down to complete the electric circuit of the battery, allowing for an electric signal to be transmitted across a wire to a receiver at the other end. However, these are just signals that are being transmitted, not words or letters. Therefore, Samuel Morse developed the Morse code that translates letters in the alphabet with a number of dots and dashes. Originally, the first telegraph rendered the signals as marks on a paper, where short marks are dots and long marks are dashes, but operators soon became in tune with the code that the telegraph was innovated to produce beeping sounds to correlate with the dots and dashes. In turn, these messages can reach hundreds of miles and still be received within a matter of seconds. From Samuel Morses first telegraph message in 1844 from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Maryland, the telegraph lines were able to stretch across the Atlantic Ocean to communicate between the United States and Europe in 1866. Although telegraph lines were strewn across the nation to communicate over long distances, the incorporation of the telegraph lines was not entirely utilized to its full potential until a year after the war started. The scope that telegraphy can have on military strategy was discovered and both sides of the war began setting up their own telegraph lines in order to provide secure networks to communicate between generals and Washington. These lines became a valuable resource for commanders as it allowed the spread of supplies, manpower, and information at speeds unimaginable prior to the war. If these lines were damaged or cut off, then other means of communication were required such as mail. However, there were only a few modes of transportation to deliver these messages. The quickest form of transportation would have been by railroad, but what a message that could be sent in a matter of minutes by telegraph would take hours if delivered by train. Yet, these networks of transportation became unreliable later in the war when rail networks became damaged and derailed, leading to deliver by carriage or on foot, which took exponentially more time to send information. However, this form of targeting communication outlets was a strategic move in launching a siege on communication networks that helped put a lid on isolated enemy encampments from calling out for support. Therefore, it was overall essential to protect the telegraph lines to ensure that these delays did not bring about major implications for battle plans and resourcing commanders and their troops. Moreover, who were those that manned these telegraphy stations? One would be surprised that it was civilians who manned and operated the telegraphs for the Union Army. These civilians made up the United States Military Telegraph Corps. The Telegraph Corps was initiated during the first couple days of the Civil War by Secretary of War Simon Cameron who sought the help of Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad to gather men who will begin to establish an official network of telegraph lines for military purposes. Scott appointed Andrew Carnegie to extend rail networks to allow for the construction of telegraph lines to the Virginia territory. Additionally, Scott sought out telegraph operators David Strouse, D.H. Bates, Samuel M. Brown, and Richard OBrien to manage the telegraph networks at the War Department, Navy Yard, and Baltimore Ohio Railroad depot, all locations of critical army headquarters. With these men lead to the incorporation of over 1500 men into the U.S. Military T elegraph Corps, which became a crucial force for the Union army. Many stories account the heroic and valiant efforts that these operators went through in order to ensure that messages were sent. Some operators were still sending one final order by telegraph while there were fighting and gunfire exploding just outside the telegraph office. Some of these operators understood the impact that their job had on the outcome of the war and was courageous enough to risk their lives to get the job done. These civilians are the sole resource that the Union Army can attribute its success in the war as the importance of information was a critical point in battles yet to come. Conversely, there were many issues that hindered the Union army due to the U.S. Military Telegraph Corps. Since the Telegraph Corps was solely run by civilians, the military commanders had no authority to discipline these civilians if they became cowardly, which occurred quite often. Many great generals, like General Ulysses S. Grant, had to deal with their operators abandoning their proximity to the main army encampment to remain safe a couple of miles away, where they are practically useless. This poses a great disadvantage if these generals needed to send a vital message immediately in order to receive supplies or manpower during a decisive battle. Instead, messengers had to be sent on horseback to these operator stations, wasting precious minutes for the general. This caused many of the generals to distrust many of the operators that they were assigned with. Additionally, since there was no government organization for telegraphs prior to the Civil War, there were no funds to cover the costs of constructing telegraph poles or the salaries of operators. Therefore, Edward S. Sanford of the American Telegraph Company had to pay for all these expenses for the first six months of the war. However, many of the telegraph operators were not receiving high enough salaries and would not receive a pension for their services since they were not members of the military, so they used their position as telegraph operators to run separate operations of transmitting private messages for people that were willing to pay for a certain price. This lead to many of the operators prioritizing the private messages instead of sending commands and intel for the military. This became a major threat to military generals as sometimes their messages were later sent out of order or sent a couple a days after they were initially inscribed, deepening the distrust generals had for telegraph operators throughout the war. Overall, telegraph operators played a crucial role in the development of the war but were not always trusted as a functional branch of the war due to the lack of discipline that existed within the United States Military Telegraph Corps. Additionally, telegraphy sparked the beginnings of the modern era of cryptography. During the Civil War, the telegraph lines were a vital instrument of communication that needed to be constantly extended further or retreated depending on the advances of each front. Due to the constant back and forth, both sides went through throughout the war, many of these lines were out in plain sight for the opposing side to hijack. After hijacking these communication networks, the enemy may intercept important intel on the opponents resources, encampment locations, and possibly battle plans. This access to information becomes a major threat for the other side, so to combat this vulnerability, both the Union and Confederacy developed their own ciphers for telegraphic communication. With these cipher patterns, both sides can mask their messages with unintelligible text. However, if one is able to come up with a cipher, another can easily decipher the message as well. Therefore, both sides consistently updated and complicated various texts to prevent the opposing side from having a chance at deciphering the messages. For example, the Union Army encoded their telegrams by laying out the message on a grid of a ledger book and scrambling the words in a particular order. The encryption was separated into three parts: arbitraries, null words, and routing instructions. Arbitraries were words or punctuations that were commonly replaced with other words in a message, where there were hundreds of different arbitraries, making the code practically undecipherable. Then null words are random words added to the ends of lines of the message just to confuse anyone that may try to intercept the telegram. Finally, routing instructions explained how to rewrite the message in the correct order for the telegraph operator. These three parts combined helped protect the secrecy of Union information from the hands of the Confederate Army. Furthermore, the military was not the only source that utilized telegraphs, but the public also caught on to the advantages that telegraphs had in contacting people or spreading information. This lead to the spread of telegraph stations popping all over the United States, preferably near public newspaper publications to update citizens on important news during the war. These stations became an essential source of informing the public, causing large crowds to congregate these places in order to be informed of these important events. Therefore, a wave of people began moving closer to these major cities, causing an influx in urban population. Furthermore, the Civil War became to be a hot topic in many communities where previously people had nothing to really discuss other than business and politics. With the war, now societies had a chance to voice their opinions on the cruelty of war, the death count that begins to pile up as the war continue, and various morbid topics regarding the war. Personally, I believe that American society on both sides of the war enjoyed discussing these cynical topics in order to mask the dark nature when themselves. In turn, that is why rumors began to spring up across the nation about certain battles or leaders during the war. Once full of to brim of all sorts of rumors about the war, people felt inclined to report them to newspaper companies or people across the nation, leading to the use of telegraphs to spread such information. Consequently, both sides of the war now have different sources of true and false information coming from military commanders and from public news stations, causing conflicting views of major events that occurred. Both Lincoln and Davis were infuriated over such implications and developed methods of controlling the public to prevent such information from escaping out to the opposing side. Lincoln begins a war on telegraphy and sets up rules and regulations to monitor the network in the North to bring an end to misinformation or the spreading of information that the public is not ready to witness. Lincoln firsts initialize a censorship on any mention of military movements from public outlets, such as newspapers and telegraphy offices, unless otherwise permitted. This attempt to censor the public is effective by ensuring that the opposing side does not discover battle plans of northern generals, which may cause a major defeat for the North. The Confederacy had a strict censorship progra m throughout the beginning of the war, consequently allowing them to be quite successful in many of the early battles of the Civil War. However, as the war came close to an end, the Confederate government began to lose control of its censorship program and lead to its ultimate demise in 1865. Moreover, the censor deters panic and chaos to occur depending on what material is presented for the public. However, the censorship also poses a question on whether the government should put limitations on speech and the press. The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution protects all of its citizens to the freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but during times of war, the president can limit these freedoms to protect its country from certain threats. Yet, there was no strict enforcer in ensuring newspaper and telegraph companies abide by these censorship laws and guidelines in the Union, so many companies continued to issue reports that went against the censorship. Therefore, Lincoln enacted the Military Telegraphy Department in order to tap into telegraph lines and prevent any messages that may threaten the United States military in some shape or fashion. Accordingly, many telegraph stations and news companies opposed the new department as they struggled to publish material that would gather the publics attention. Every attempt these companies took to send out these stories via telegraphy would immediately be stopped by those in the department and were forced to give up the material. This lead to two options for the news organizations, either produce more objective and factual reports about the war or send reports via railroads and carriage. Railroads option could be ideal, but delivering could take from a couple hours to a couple days, which becomes an obstacle when various news companies compete to publish up to date news stories to gather more of the publics attention. Therefore, the term of reporters and reporting news becomes relevant for the first time where news companies disregarded highly opinionated pieces and focused on the objective takes of certain stories. With this new objective perspective in reporting brought about the denial of revealing a reporters source to their material. This allows for some privacy and protection to the source and guarantees some freedom to their right of free speech. As a result, we see the coming of a new age in news reporting and the beginning of discussions regarding freedom of speech and the press. Overall, the development of telegraph systems and telegraphy during the American Civil War performed a major role as a syndicate for technological and social change throughout American society. The desire for fast and reliable communication networks revolutionized military strategy and the governments role in warfare. The reach that telegraphs are able to extend to allows for the widespread of news and information across the nation, keeping citizens informed and updated on important events around the United States. The beginnings of regulatory practices on national systems lead to future endeavors for the establishment of the Federal Communications Commission and the limitations of free speech and freedom of the press. And most importantly, telegraphy exemplifies the impact that electricity can have on the American society and the unique and vast possibilities that electricity can provide to light up the globe.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Beginning Of Advanced Society Sargon Of Akkad - 1017 Words
Sargon of Akkad: Contributions to Later Empires Evan Bouleris World History I Mr. Hersh Monday, November 9th Ancient Mesopotamia was a geographical area in modern-day Iraq that centers around the Tigris-Euphrates river system and is considered the beginning of advanced society. Mesopotamia encompassed several different civilizations and the first city states. The Mesopotamian civilization spanned from the Sumerian Empire in approximately 3500 B.C.E. to the end of the Assyrian empire in the 7th century. One notable leader was Sargon of Akkad, who started the first recognizable empire, won significant military victories, built substantial infrastructure and bureaucracy, and left a legacy large enough to span millennia. In 612 B.C.E., towards the end of the Assyrian Empire, there were still plays being written about Sargon. According to a stone tablet artifact that is thought to be Sargon’s ancient autobiography, Sargon was born to a priestess in secret and cast into the Euphrates river in a basket. He was then found and raised by â€Å"Akki the Irrigator†, a gardener for the king of the Sumerian city of Kish, Ur-Zababa. While the details are not clear, Sargon was able to become the king’s cup-bearer (responsible for delivering drinks to the king ), an honorable job because the cup-bearer had to be trusted not to poison the king. Lugalzagesi of Umma, the king of a neighboring city, then attempted to invade and take over Kish. According to legend, Sargon shared a dream he had withShow MoreRelated Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Essay1100 Words  | 5 PagesComparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Before the beginning of history, people from across the land gradually developed numerous cultures, each unique in some ways while the same time having features in common. Mesopotamia and Egypt are important to the history of the world because of religious, social, political and economic development. Mesopotamia was the first civilization, which was around 3000 B.C., and all other countries evolved from it. Mesopotamia emerged from the Tigris and EuphratesRead MoreGeography Of The Fertile Crescent1835 Words  | 8 Pagesfor laws to settle disputes over how land and water was distributed. This was the beginning of an organized government. Sumerians Create City-States The Sumerians stand out in history as one of the first groups of people to form a civilization. The five key characteristics that set Sumer apart from other early human societies are advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology. By 3000 B.C. the Sumerians had built a number of cities, each surroundedRead MoreAncient Empires1235 Words  | 5 Pages   Two civilizations started out at the same time and evolved into empires of great similarities, yet compelling differences lie between them. The two countries represent societies beginnings with their impressive work and there astonishing achievements with such little technology at their disposal, nevertheless brilliant minds found ways to design massive buildings and a new form of language at their time. Mesopotamia and Egypt show there similarities in the aspects of economic, political, andRead MoreThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words  | 76 Pagesplants. Around 10,000 years ago, they learned to cultivate plants, herd animals, and make airtight pottery for storage. These discoveries transformed them from gatherers to producers, allowing them to grow in number and to lead a settled life. Beginning about 5,000 years ago, a far more complex way of life began to appear in some parts of the world. In these places humans learned how to increase harvests through irrigation and other methods. Much larger populations came together in towns, cities
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Economic Growth Between Emerging And Developed Economics...
Nowadays, the various economic growth patterns are very common in both emerging and developed economy. The countries that are having most advanced economy and highly developed capital markets with high levels of liquidity is called developed country. Developed countries are mostly located in North America and Western Europe, including nations like the U.S, Germany, U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Emerging countries can be identifying with rapid growth rate and development but lower per capita than developed countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, and China, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain. The economic growth of countries can be measured by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. This essay is going to find out â€Å"What are the main reasons behind different rate of economic growth in emerging and developed economics in last 15 years?†In hear I selected five emerging and five developed economics, and do analysis through five selected numerous factors to identify reasons behind different rate of economic growth. 1. Literature Review Inflation Inflation can influence economic performance throughout the monitory policy of the economy. The economic specialists argue, that inflation effect economic growth of nations by decreasing domestic and foreign saving, inefficiency and ineffectiveness of resource allocation and declining balance of payment. Fischer and Modigliani (1980) suggested that there is a nonlinear and negative relationship between the rate ofShow MoreRelatedThe Main Characteristics Of Emerging Markets1417 Words  | 6 PagesThe main characteristics of ‘emerging markets’ Introduction In recent years,there has been a growing concern about the emerging markets,and it is kind of new economic markets in developing countries which likes mature markets but does not meet a criterion of it,and emerging markets is a relevant concept when it comes to the developed countries.While a variety of definitions of the term of emerging markets have been suggested,this essay will use the definition suggested by Arnold and Quelch(1998)whoRead MoreImpact Of Emerging Markets On Marketing : Rethinking Existing Perspectives And Practices1074 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION Research on emerging markets is not just a â€Å"nice thing to do†; it is increasingly becoming a necessity. (Jagadish N Seth, 2011). 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Humouring the reader Free Essays
It Isn’t the mother of all battles for pregnant women Confusion reigns within our society as pregnant women’s minds are Influenced by media, doctor’s orders and expectations. â€Å"Be sober. It Isn’t the mother of all battles for pregnant women†, an pollen piece by author Rite Panel was published on the 1 12th of May 2014 In the Herald Sun. We will write a custom essay sample on Humouring the reader or any similar topic only for you Order Now Direct yet informative In tone, Panel asserts that pregnant women should defy the changing and unreliable advice of doctors and should limit substance use for the sake of their ‘unborn child’. Emphasizing on her stance against pregnant women consuming alcohol, Panic illustrates the ambiguity of expecting women when faced with alcohol. The foreground imitating an authentic sky represents tranquility, contradicting the gloomy issue and suggesting that there is a balance between the temptations of alcohol when expecting and doing the right thing for your child. Panic purposefully uses a straight-on angle to dictate to the audience that equality Is prominent within this matter. Panic also inserts a hand hat Is tilted upwards In the shape of a tick’ all the while gesturing defiance, signifying uncertainty. Moreover, the cunning headline explicitly asserts a pun, humoring the reader, all the while Informing them with the frank tonal shift. Adopting the tone of an outraged bystander, Panel appeals to the reader’s empathy and humanity â€Å"an expectant women’s diet, exercise habits, stress levels and birth plan all become a matter of public debates†, to attempt to ignite a sense of responsibility to protect and assist expecting mothers. Arguing that there are â€Å"long- term consequences†on pregnant women’s health, the pejorative language of â€Å"potentially devastating†and sarcastic â€Å"useful opinions†further suggests society is unaware of the issues that is adjacent with substance use while expecting, and is a form of attack on the reader’s. Heightening her irritation, Panic inserts sarcasm when using colloquial language â€Å"disturbing tidbits†and â€Å"bullied fatty’, Shepherding readers to acknowledge her Inclusive’ attempt to seem knowledgeable In the developing world. How to cite Humouring the reader, Papers
Police Have a Basic Part of the General Population Samples for Student
Question: What is Relationship Police and Population ? Answer: Introducation Police have a basic part of the general populations eye; they serve and guarantee the gathering, and they attempt to turn away wrongdoing. It is a segment of the police to be in charge of the direct of general society and to have them take after the gauges, precepts and regulations of society. Open investment with police is fundamental for the fruitful organisation of wrongdoing and perplexity. Comprehending parts that mould adolescents' enthusiasm to arrange and collaborate with the police are fundamental since youths are more probable than adults to encounter police are. Studies related to adults put forward that polices use of routine assessment is basic for enabling adults' joint effort with police. Murphy (2015) broke down the significouldce of routine assessment for empowering youth joint exertion with police and found that routine assessment is in actuality more basic to youth than it is to adults. She offers a speculative illumination for why this might be the circumstance an d the proposals for choosing how the police could develop a better relationship with youths were communicated by her. It is fundamental for police to acknowledge what frameworks would constrain in engaging joint effort and consistence with their requests. The procedural value might be particularly helpful for police while overseeing youngsters, for moulding their viewpoints of police and to urge them to connect with police. Such approaches might end up being predominantly indispensable in hindered bunches where youth have been unwoulding to connect with police out of dread that they would also be betrayed. More than an extended period, investigate has identi?ed an extent of normal, behavioural, and clinical peril markers that enhance the probability of a person taking an interest in illegal doings. Rates of offendings top in teens and connection between psychological intensity and illegal lead have been all around chronicled. In spite of this, few surveys have inspected the nature or relate to responsible practices in youths with mental wellbeing issues, particularly in gathering settings. Shepherd and Purcell (2015) examined eminent peril markers related with police contact in a partner of adolescents searching for aid from youth prosperity services in Australia and found that male sexual introduction, not being involved with direction, work or training, increased drug use and having faced diverse disagreeable life events were connected to police contact. They exhibit that the threat factors for chargeable customarily initiated in the wide-ranging criminological written work are in li ke manner those related with guilty in adolescents with mental prosperity issues. Their outcomes imply the necessity for an entire accommodating methodology for such patients that oblige both their medical and criminogenic requirements. Given the rates of at fault in the midst of adolescence, a more important care amongst clinicians of the criminogenic aspects and necessities influencing a minority of youths going to helpful health services might be essential to dropping (if not checking) attacking actions and it is going to longer term adversarial comes about. References Murphy, K., 2015. Does procedural justice matter to youth? Comparing adults' and youths' wouldingness to collaborate with police.Policing and Society,25(1), pp.53-76. Shepherd, S.M. and Purcell, R., 2015. What are the factors associated with criminal behaviour for young people with mental health problems?.Psychiatry, Psychology and Law,22(6), pp.869-879.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Aircraft Supply System
Question: Design an aircraft power distribution system and explain the features of your system that help to ensure the continuing integrity and safety. Answer: The description of single line diagram: As shown in diagram, a design of twin engine busbar system for a aircraft which required less than 12KW power in each channel. The system is of two 28VDC. As shown in fig the two main DC busbars namely No.1 and No.2 are operating in parallel and getting power from two 28VDC generators. Non essential DC services are thereby directly connected to busbar No.1. For feeding the Non-essential AC consumers, the two DC busbars are individually connected with a inverters. The output derived from the inverters is 115VDC at 400Hz. There is one centre busbar which is connected directly to the two main DC busbars No.1 and No.2, which is further providing DC power for the essential consumers of aircraft. This busbar also provides a load of 115VAC, if inverter is powered off. When aircraft is on ground without the engine running, we can connect the centre busbar with the external power source by regulating the switch. At the middle of the diagram, there is battery bank of a aircraft which is connec ted to the battery busbar which in turn feeds the vital consumer services. The essential consumers can also be feed by this battery busbar by connecting it through the DC essential busbar, if required. Protection system To make system run efficiently and affordable, several protections are required. Thus for proper protection at several levels are provided by proper switching and protection devices. Thus over voltage protection relay is used in order to avoid over voltage condition and is part of the primary power generation protection system. This also consists of reverse current circuit breaker (RCCB) for controlling the reverse current. These together come under voltage regulator. Thus it regulates the output of the generator to the No.1/No.2 DC busbars by controlling the generator feed contactors. As we have discussed the centre busbar and essential consumers are connected to the main busbars, thus a circuit breaker or smart contactor can be used to provide protection. The use of circuit breakers can be done to protect individual loads or groups of loads fed from the supply or feeder busbars. The main principle for fault protection should be that, minimum of disruption occur on a electrical system. If in case faults occur, it should trip circuit breaker of that particular load but should not hamper the next level protection, in order to avoid cascade failure and ensure that this does not occur again. Components: Inverter- The main function of inverter is to convert single phase 28VDC into 115VDC.The inverter can also be used as alternative source in case of power failure. The inverter comprises of SCRs which through rapid switching synthesize the AC waveform from the DC input. Circuit Breakers- The purpose of circuit breaker is same as the current limiter or fuse. They break the contacts of circuit in case of overload and protect the circuit. They have a mechanical trip mechanism which is activated by a bi- metallic strip. The current carrying capacity of circuit breakers differ. Ram Air Turbine(RAT)- The use of RAT is required when most of the power generation system has failed or are unavailable. The RAT is an air driven turbine, normally stowed in the aircraft nose. The size of RAT generator varies from 5 to 15 KVA. Auxiliary power unit- as the name suggests this is used as a backup or auxiliary unit, in case of system failure or extra requirement. Parallel Operation- The main requirement in case of muti-engined aircraft that uninterrupted power supply is required, thus in parallel operation each engine dries its own generator. Due to this a equal proportion of electrical load is shared between them. This is also known as equalizing circuit, but for parallel operation the voltage regulators of two generators must be interlinked. The parallel operation is not possible in frequency-wild (FWG) or variable frequency (VF) generators. Variable frequency generation- This is the most reliable form of power generation. They dont have any effect on frequency sensitive aircraft loads. VF is being widely adopted in the business jet community as their power requirements are above 28VDC/12KW VSCF( Variable speed constant frequency)- in this the generated power of variable frequency is electronically converted by solid state power switching device into constant frequency 400Hz,115VAC power.
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